Gospel Meditation

April 3, 2021

Spark of Divine Love

April 4, 2021
Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord

Who are you? This question was most assuredly asked of Jesus on the day of resurrection and it is a question asked of each of us. Our identities can be described in so many ways. We can start with our gifts and our talents, expertise and unique personality expressions. We can describe things we like and things we prefer to set aside. As descriptive and captivating as these can be, none come close to our essence, our real and true self. While accurate in their own right, the self who lives and interacts with the world is the self we want others to see, the one we project. But there is much more to us just as there is much more to Jesus.

Jesus could describe himself based on all of the same criteria we use for ourselves. After all, Jesus is totally human. With all that people witnessed and all that Jesus knew about his physical human self, his divinity also shined forth. There was so much more to know about him. Whereas once Jesus was transfigured on top of a mountain before his disciples’ eyes, so today he is transfigured before our eyes as he reveals his resurrected self as the Christ. Alleluia, Christ is risen! His glorified presence stands before us showing us that we are all much more than we see ourselves to be and show to others. We have a depth, purpose, and essence that go way beyond the superficial treasures of our existence to the very core of who we are.

Within each one of us is a spark of Divine Love where creature and Creator meet, and we are known uniquely by the name God whispers to us. It is not the earthly name that was given to us but the one that flows from Divine Power and claims us as one who is special and chosen in God’s eyes. This is the self that will rise one day with the eternal Christ of God and live eternally as God provides. This is the self that when free from all superficial constraints layered upon it in this life can discover and know freedom in a way never possible before. This is love lifting us up and transforming us into who we really are, not who we want or need ourselves to be. Who are you? A special, unique child of God who has been fashioned in God’s image, sustained by the power of God’s love and kept eternally with the Blessed Trinity in heaven. Get to know this deeper, truer self as it is who you really are.



Spark of Divine Love Spanish

4 de abril de 2021
Domingo de Pascua

Nos narra el evangelio de hoy que: “El primer día después del sábado, María Magdalena fue al sepulcro muy temprano, cuando todavía estaba oscuro, y vio que la piedra que cerraba la entrada del sepulcro había sido removida”. (Juan 20:1-2). Triste y confundida por el dolor y sin ninguna esperanza debió de haber llegado María Magdalena al sepulcro. Imagínese el silencio de la mañana. Gozar sin saber ella que era el silencio de la Pascua. Estar ahí de pie ante el sepulcro donde su amado había sido puesto. Dejarse ella interrogar por lo que ve. Abrir el corazón a la esperanza, a causa de un sepulcro vacío. ¡María quiere encontrar al Señor! Ninguno de los tres protagonistas de la escena ve al Señor todavía.

Tal como María, Pedro y el otro discípulo, debemos situarnos en la mañana de la Pascua. Hemos sufrido tanto durante la pandemia. Vacíos enormes se han tenido que llenar. Cada familia, cada persona ha formado su camino de búsqueda durante este tiempo. El Señor se deja encontrar. Solo hay que buscarlo y seguirlo con el corazón disponible a su encuentro. La Iglesia se inunda de alegría con Dios al resucitar a Cristo de entre los muertos. El mensaje de este Domingo de Pascua es que todos los que sufren, saldrán vencedores. La muerte, ¿dónde está la muerte? Ya no existe, los sepulcros son provisionales, son de paso, quedarán vacíos al resucitar. Para entender todo esto hay que entender la Escritura: “Él debía resucitar de entre los muertos”. (Juan 20:9).
