Gospel Meditation

December 4, 2021

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December 5, 2021
2nd Sunday of Advent

St. Ambrose shares some wisdom on our need to prepare the way and open the door for Christ. “You see that when the Word of God knocks hardest on your door, it is when his hair is wet with the dew of the night. In fact, he chooses to visit those who are in tribulation and trial, lest one of them be overwhelmed by distress. So, his head is covered with dew, with drops, when his body is laboring hard. It is important to keep watch so that when the Bridegroom comes, he is not shut out. If you are asleep and your heart is not keeping watch, he will go away without knocking; but if your heart is alert for his coming, he knocks and asks for the door to be opened to him.” When life gets overwhelming and difficult and we find ourselves feeling a bit downhearted and miserable, these words can bring great comfort.

We sometimes choose to remain stuck in our uncomfortable darkness and being stuck becomes our norm. In this time of self-focus our hearts are closed to the graces and life God desires to give us. Wrapped in the robe of mourning and misery, we fail to see the mercy, justice, and love the Bridegroom wants to bring. If we take seriously the need to prepare the way for Christ and open our hearts in preparation for his visit, we can hear God’s gentle voice calling us deep within. It beckons us to seek out its source and discover the inner calm and peace that can prevail over the darkness of despair. Sometimes our darkness is so dark that it may seem unsurmountable. Trusting in the spiritual friends who journey with us, and God’s promise may bring a glimmer of light even when it is most difficult to keep our hearts’ doors open. Sometimes, the only light in the darkness is found in trusting the faith of others both past and present.

We have to trust that God has already begun the accomplishment of good work in us and that humanity is on an incredible journey to something wonderful and awesome. God is not done. When we open the doors of our hearts, straighten the paths of our lives, and prepare the way, Jesus can come with God’s simple gifts of peace, grace, and joy. Life throws a great deal at us. It is easy to get tired and confused. We have to train our hearts to keep watch, discern what is of value, and forge ahead. Not allowing ourselves to become so weighed down by things and brought out of focus is a tremendous goal to achieve this Advent season. God is knocking. Answer the door. You will see and understand life in ways you never thought possible before.



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5 de diciembre de 2021
2º Domingo de Adviento

En este Segundo Domingo de Adviento, Juan Bautista prepara el camino del Señor. Juan empezó a recorrer toda la región del río Jordán, predicando un bautismo de conversión, para obtener el perdón de los pecados. Esto ya estaba escrito en el libro del profeta Isaías: “Oigan ese grito en el desierto: Preparen el camino del Señor, enderecen sus senderos. Las quebradas serán rellenadas y los montes y cerros allanados. Lo torcido será enderezado, y serán suavizadas las asperezas de los caminos. Todo mortal entonces verá la salvación de Dios” (Lucas 3:3-6). El mensaje esta hecho como anillo al dedo para nuestra época, no está pasado de moda. ¿Cómo estás preparándote en este tiempo para recibir al Señor en tu hogar?

De seguro hay mucho que enderezar después de esta pandemia que hemos vivido.  Montañas existentes de incomprensión e inseguridad que hay que allanar y hacer planas. Enderezar el camino jorobado de nuestra vida que llevamos a cuestas.  ¿Cómo hacerlo? ¿En qué estoy fallando en mi familia y en la sociedad? La figura del Bautista nos ayuda a recorrer dentro del corazón para llegar a una verdadera conversión. El Tiempo de Adviento nos ayuda para luchar contra nuestros vicios y falsos orgullos que cargamos durante años. La conversión es completa y satisfactoria si humildemente reconocemos nuestros errores y defectos. Ese es el grito del Bautista – conversión – girar la mirada hacia Jesús que ya viene a salvarnos.  Juan cumplió muy bien su misión de preparar el camino para el encuentro de las gentes con Jesús. ¿Tú como preparas el camino para que tu familia se encuentre con Dios está Navidad? Oremos con el Salmo125: El Señor ha estado grande con nosotros, y estamos alegres.
