Gospel Meditation

December 24, 2021

December 25, 2021
The Nativity of the Lord

“He so loved us that for our sake He was made man in time, through Whom all times were made; was in the world less in years than His servants, though older than the world itself in His eternity; was made man, Who made man; was created of a mother, whom He created; was carried by hands which He formed; nursed at the breasts which He had filled; cried in the manger in wordless infancy, He the Word without Whom all human eloquence is mute (St. Augustine, Sermon 188).” The miracle of what happens at Christmas is truly an awesome mystery. Revealed in the silent ordinariness of life is God’s intimate love for humanity and all that he made. The Word, existing for all time, comes and dwells among us. God kisses us. We can seek and soar with playful delight as a joy never known before fills our heart.

Joy is best expressed through dance. There is just something truly wonderful about the self-abandon a beautiful melodic dance reveals. If we are able to let go and really be free, it celebrates life in a way few other experiences really can. With the birth of Jesus Christ, God takes the Divine Dance to a deeper and more tangible level. We can now not only see what we believe but believe what we see! This most perfect dance is a call to beauty, innocence, truth, purpose, hope, faith, and love. Today we know, beyond doubt, that we are a necessary part of God’s beautifully choreographed masterpiece of life and not just a random happening without real intent or purpose. We are loved, treasured, and blessed.

Accepting the truth of God’s birth in time we also accept an invitation to dance with God. We can let go of what tethers us to anxious concerns and superficial securities. Throw caution to the wind and go with God. We have been blessed with talents, gifts, and life eternal. Follow the rhythm of the dance with joy and listen to what the Word who became flesh tells us about what the next steps can be. Today, heaven remains the same, but earth has been profoundly changed.



25 de diciembre de 2021
La Natividad del Señor

¡Feliz Navidad a todos los hombres y mujeres del mundo, que aún creen a pesar de todo lo que han sufrido por la pandemia, Dios está presente entre nosotros! “Juan dio testimonio de él; dijo muy fuerte: Del yo hablaba al decir: El que ha venido detrás de mí ya está delante de mí, porque era antes que yo” (Juan 1:15). Uno de tantos regalos que la Navidad nos trae es muy peculiar: dar testimonio y ser testigos del amor de Dios en este tiempo que estamos viviendo. Otro regalo es la paz, sí, esa paz que tanto necesitamos en la familia, en la sociedad y en nuestro corazón, para poder cantar como los ángeles y los pastores: “Gloria a Dios en lo más alto del cielo y en la tierra paz a los hombres; ésta es la hora de su gracia” (Lucas 2:14).

Cada Navidad, Dios nos habla por medio de su Hijo, y esta no es la excepción. Felices todas las personas que de buen agrado y con el corazón abierto aceptan todas sus gracias. Felices todos los que en esta Navidad son mensajeros de la Buena Nueva de Dios, en la familia, en la escuela, en el trabajo y en la sociedad. “Qué hermoso es ver correr sobre los montes al mensajero que anuncia la paz, al mensajero que trae la buena nueva, que pregona la salvación” (Isaías 52:7). ¿Qué gracias y regalos recibiste en esta Navidad? ¿Qué anuncias tú, y a quién se lo anuncias? ¡Feliz Navidad y un abrazo de paz!
