January 10, 2021 ~ The Baptism of the Lord
January 6, 2021
Faith & Racial Healing: Embracing Truth, Justice and Restoration
will be offered virtually via Zoom through All Saints Parish beginning in January 2021.
Do you long for a space to ask hard questions about the history of racism in the United States?
JustFaith Ministries’ Faith & Racial Healing: Embracing Truth, Justice and Restoration is an eight-session program that narrates the historical context behind the racial inequalities we face today, whether in education, the criminal justice system, the workforce, or even in church life. For more information: https://youtu.be/uNEtuvGRXjU or contact Sharon Vogler at 812.423.5209 or svogler@evdio.org OR Emma Jean Couture at 812.457.4854 or ejeancouture@gmail.com
Click on the following link for session dates, times, and registration form:
Faith & Racial Healing Registration Form