What a Year It’s Been

November 28, 2021

Make me to know your ways, O Lord; teach me your paths. Lead me in your truth, and teach me. —Psalm 25:4-5

I feel differently than I did a year ago as we were beginning Advent. Do you, too? Last year at this time, we were in the midst of a bleak period in our country, and things were about to get even darker as COVID-19 raged on during the winter months. We had been in various stages of lockdown and social isolation for months, with unknown months in front of us still. A national political transition was upon us then, too. What else do you remember of this time last year? What is different for you now? What is the same? How have you grown or changed in the last 12 months? 

Advent marks the beginning of a month of turning inward and cultivating rest and quiet even as the outer world revs up for a commercial holiday season. Let this be a time for reflection on the past year, a time for praying  that the Lord will teach us his paths and watching for how he wants to lead us this Advent.

For Prayer: Take a few minutes today to bring all of your burdens, wounds, and trauma of this last year to God. Ask for rest and healing, and make a commitment to make time to rest in God each day during Advent.