There is always a place for you at All Saints Parish.
About All Saints Parish
It is our goal as a church community to exemplify this statement (based on Micah 6:8) through our parish ministries. These ministries are carried out by our parishioners within our six ministry commissions, and led by our Parish Pastoral Council.
All Saints Parish was created on July 1, 2015 with the merger of two of Evansville’s oldest parishes:
St. Anthony Parish and St. Joseph Parish. The merger has created a strong parish and positioned us to have even greater impact on our community as an expression of our faith.
Whether you’re new to the area, returning to the church, or curious about the Catholic faith and how it is shown in the world, we invite you to experience the warmth, the joy, and the community you’ll find at All Saints Parish. We welcome the doubter as well as the believer, the active in faith as well as the seeker. There is always a place for you at All Saints Parish.
All Saints Parish Vision Statement: We are called to be a faith filled family, who acts justly, loves tenderly, forgives freely and walks humbly with our God.
There’s always a place for you at All Saints Parish.
on a Journey…
“The Pastoral Life Coordinator serves as the visible servant leader of the parish community. The PLC does not do this alone. Every parish member must bear responsibility for struggles and successes.” (excerpt from the Pastoral Life Coordinator job description)
Together we will strive to be a faith filled family who acts justly, loves tenderly, forgives freely and walks humbly with our God. Join me in this mission as we keep the vibrancy and vitality of All Saints Parish present in our community.
Your Pastoral Life Coordinator,
Diocese of Evansville Safe Environment Program Policies & Procedures
All Saints Parish History
All Saints Parish was created on July 1, 2015 with the merger of two of Evansville’s oldest parishes: St. Anthony and St. Joseph.
The histories of the two churches reveal the path we followed to arrive at this historic merger.
St. Anthony Catholic Church
Serving Evansville Since 1888
The long journey to become the All Saints Parish we are today began with the vision and benevolence of German immigrants Anthony Reis and his wife, Magdalena, who made their fortune in the tannery business beginning in 1857. In addition to fortune, Mr. Reis found a place in history as the inspiration for an early Catholic church in Evansville, Indiana.
In 1872, Mr. Reis built the current Saint Anthony rectory as a mansion for his family. The Reis home was located on the block bounded by First Avenue, Columbia Street, Second Avenue and Delaware Street. Mr. Reis died in 1884, and the next year his widow donated this parcel of land to the Indianapolis Diocese with the stipulation that the land be used as the site of a Catholic Church to be named in memory of her husband.
St. Joseph Catholic Church
Evansville’s First English-Speaking Church
In 1905, Saint Joseph Parish was organized to serve the growing population of the northeastern section of the city of Evansville, Indiana. Saint Joseph was designated from the beginning as the first English-speaking parish of Evansville and was formed from areas that had belonged to Saint Anthony, Saint Mary and Assumption parishes. Saint Joseph was the first new parish of the 20th Century in Evansville.
The first location for the celebration of Mass was a former grocery store located at 519 North Main Street. The diocese at the time owned property nearby that had been used for a cemetery and a portion of this land became the site for the parish. In 1906, under the direction of Father Patrick Rowan, construction on the Church/School building and the convent began. In the following year, 1907, the Benedictine Sisters of Ferdinand began a 79-year teaching relationship with Saint Joseph Parish.
All Saints Honors
Every year we celebrate the members of our parish that have passed away with a Remembrance Mass in November on All Souls Day. We honor those individuals with a tribute video and share our prayers for the faithfully departed.
Honored loved ones can be remembered with a Mass Intention. Please call our Parish Office at 812-423-5209 with your special intentions.
Important Reports
Year-To-Date Financial Report
Year-To-Date Financial Report
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The Bruté Society
The Bruté Society is an honorary association of southwestern Indiana Catholic lay persons who have been recognized by their fellow parishioners as outstanding models of Christian stewardship.
The Bruté Society was established in 1990 as an official activity of the Diocese of Evansville, Indiana.
The Bruté Society is named for Servant of God Bishop Simon Bruté who was appointed the first bishop of Vincennes in 1834 and was a great example of Catholic stewardship. At that time, the territory of the Vincennes Diocese included all of Indiana as well as about one third of Illinois. The name “The Bruté Society” represents the rich spiritual and historical heritage of the present Diocese of Evansville.
The Bruté Society was established to accomplish several related purposes:
- To acknowledge and give thanks to God for exemplary Catholic stewardship demonstrated by individual members of the parishes of the Diocese of Evansville.
- To promote an ever-deepening commitment to stewardship as the way of life for all Catholics in southwestern Indiana.
- To give public witness to the unity of all parishes of the Diocese of Evansville.
- To provide an annual inspirational celebration for the Catholic Church in southwestern Indiana.
As a special symbol of membership in The Bruté Society, each member receives a beautiful, distinctive medallion known as the “Simon Bruté Medal.”
The ribbon from which this medal hangs is placed around the neck of new members by the bishop as part of the induction ceremony.
The Simon Bruté medal was fashioned from the official diocesan stewardship logo. This logo depicts the three stewardship “Ts” (Treasure, Time and Talent) presented in a way that looks like three people arrayed in a triangle. At the center stands the powerful symbol of the cross representing the core of the Christian Faith. The words “The Bruté Society” ring the inner design to symbolize that The Bruté Society members are, first and foremost, good stewards.
- 2015 Gene & Betty Gilles, Darlene Steffe
- 2016 Bea Gallo, Mike Wathen
- 2017 Archie Sandefur, Vince & Kristi Wagner
- 2018 Larry & Nancy Reinhart, Don & Gina Tucker, Anna Tucker
- 2019 Postponed to 2020 to coincide with 75th Anniversary of the Diocese of Evansville
- 2020 Janie Allen, Mary Berendes, Brenda Meyer, Jim Tolen
- 2021 Gloria & Mike Niehaus, Bonnie Wink
- 2022 Wilma Spaulding, Leonard & Carolyn Adams
- 2023 Hans & Phyllis Bauer, Roger & Sherry Rogge