There is always a place for you at All Saints Parish.
Here at All Saints Parish, we offer several opportunities for all parishioners, young and old, to be involved in Parish life. Whether you would like to cook a meal, visit the elderly, pray for others, clean the church, or play an instrument, we offer opportunities for everyone to share their gifts and talents with others!
Your Time and Talent are Great Gifts
Our Parish offers so many opportunities to grow in spirit and to be involved and active disciples. Share your experience, your talents, and your time in the service of Christ by joining one of our programs and participating in the life of our Parish.
If you are looking for ways to become involved in one of All Saints ministry opportunities, take a minute and fill out the Time & Talent Form below.
You Can Get Involved In:
Community Life commission
Mission: To share our God-given gifts to advance the community life of the parish.
A-Men’s Club: Meet at 6 p.m. the third Tuesday of each month in cafeteria to promote Christian fellowship.
Archivist: Preserve church history in pictures and print.
Bereavement Meals: Prepare, host, serve meals for families of bereaved.
Church Cleaning: Clean church every Monday and Saturday mornings.
Collection Counters: Count and sort weekend contributions.
Cooks: Help prepare meals for special events.
Decorators: Decorate church for Fall, Christmas, Easter.
Hospitality: Prepare and serve refreshments at Mass on the first weekend of each month.
Ministry Development Committee: Expand and direct Ministry of Time, Talent & Treasure, develop small faith groups.
Office Workers: Assist with various duties; phone, door, copies, mailings.
Parish Picnic: Organize and work on annual picnic.
Photography: Take pictures at parish events.
Sewing: Sew for special projects, such as Christmas Pageant.
Special Events Hospitality: Help set-up and serve special parish events.
Women’s in Ministry: Meet 3rd Monday each month in the cafeteria to share fun, faith, and outreach to women in the community.
LITURGY commission
Mission: To effectively bring parishioners to discover ways to live a Eucharistic Spirituality in their daily lives.
- Camera Operators – Operate cameras at Masses and services in church.
- Cantors – Lead the service music at Mass.
- Change Missalettes – Change Missalettes annually.
- Choirs – Covenant Adult – Attend practice Thursdays at 5:30 pm and sing at weekend Masses.
- Resurrection Choir – Sing at funeral Masses.
- Praise Mass— Practice 3:00 pm, Music begins at 4:30 pm, Sing at 5:00 pm Mass.
- Christmas Pageant – Organize and participate in Children’s Christmas Pageant on Christmas Eve.
- Eucharistic Ministers – Distribute Communion at Mass.
- Greeters – Welcome people before and after Mass and distribute song books and bulletins.
- Homebound Ministry – Adopt a homebound person and make visits.
- Launder Sacristy Linens – Launder and iron purificatory, corporals, server robes.
- Lectors – Proclaim the Scriptures at weekend Mass.
- Liturgy Committee – Meet quarterly to plan special parish Liturgies.
- Musicians – Play instruments for weekend and Holy Day Masses.
- Nursing Home Visits – Take Communion to parishioners in nursing homes.
- Sacristans – Prepare sanctuary for Mass.
- Servers – Serve at Mass. Open to parishioners 4th grade to adult.
- Ushers – Welcome and assist people in finding seats, and take up collection at Mass.
Building & Finance Commissions
Mission: To monitor the parish finances in support of All Saints Parish ministries. To maintain and enhance the parish buildings and grounds.
Capital Improvement: Make decisions on details of restoration of parish property.
Finance Committee: Prepare parish budget and oversee parish finances.
General Maintenance: Maintain property and facilities.
Grounds Committee: Maintain and clean up yard and plants.
Tony Martinez Scholarship Fund: Participate in fundraisers to assist with costs for All Saints students attending Catholic schools.
Faith Formation & Education commission
Mission: To provide programs which will allow all parishioners to deepen and better understand their Catholic faith.
Family Faith Formation is an opportunity for all of us, children, youth and adults, to come together to share our faith and learn more about what we believe and practice as Catholics.
Adult Education Offerings: Special topics offered through out the year.
Bible Study: Meet weekly on Wednesday mornings for prayer and Gospel study in Fr. Niehaus Room from 8:00-9:30 am.
Catholics Returning Home: Six-week informal listening sessions for non-practicing Catholics facilitated by parishioners. Sessions are conducted in a support group format with topics based on participants’ questions.
Children’s Liturgy of the Word: Help with 3-6 year olds during the 10:30 am Mass.
Family Faith Formation: Religious education for children in grades K-5 with their families.
Just Faith: Focuses on engagement in the life of Jesus and the call to be about God’s dream of justice and compassion in a world scarred by the domestic and global crisis called “poverty.”
Marriage Sponsor Couples: Married couple meets with engaged couple to prepare them for marriage.
New Testament Studies: Meet in Fall and Spring for an in-depth look at a New Testament Gospel or Letter.
Online Book Club: Participate in online book discussions
Pray-ers Ministry: Daily prayer for intentions provided by parish.
Phone/Email Prayer Chain: Pray for immediate response to specific needs.
OCIA Team: Help facilitate the OCIA process with candidates and catechumens.
OCIA Sponsor: Attend weekly sessions and offer prayer & support for candidates/catechumens during the OCIA process.
SPRED: Special Religious Education for adults with disabilities.
Vacation Bible School: Assist one week during summer.
social justice & Charity Commission
Mission: To minister to the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of the broader community.
All Saints Parish offers a number of ways to serve those in our community who are disadvantaged or the victims of injustice.
St. Vincent de Paul: Meets weekly to make home visits to offer assistance to those in need.
CAJE: Congregations Acting for Justice & Empowerment: Take action for justice. Several meetings throughout the year. (Meetings include the Listening process, Organizers, Congregations, Researching & Cutting Issues, the Rally, the Action, Celebration & Investment Dinner).
Wednesday Morning Outreach: Prepare and serve free lunch on Wednesday from 10:30am – 12:00pm.
Creation Care Ministry: A ministry focused on choices: what we drive, what we eat, how we heat and cool our homes and buildings and whether we care enough to vote for more earth friendly elected leaders.
Clothes Closet: Sort items, prepare displays, offer free clothing Wednesdays 10:30am to Noon.
Parish Health: Monitor blood pressure second Sunday of each month, conduct health surveys.
If you are looking for ways to become involved in one of All Saints ministry opportunities, take a minute and fill out the Time & Talent Form below.
Time & Talent Volunteer Commitment Form
The Bruté Society
The Bruté Society is an honorary association of southwestern Indiana Catholic lay persons who have been recognized by their fellow parishioners as outstanding models of Christian stewardship.
The Bruté Society was established in 1990 as an official activity of the Diocese of Evansville, Indiana.
The Bruté Society is named for Servant of God Bishop Simon Bruté who was appointed the first bishop of Vincennes in 1834 and was a great example of Catholic stewardship. At that time, the territory of the Vincennes Diocese included all of Indiana as well as about one third of Illinois. The name “The Bruté Society” represents the rich spiritual and historical heritage of the present Diocese of Evansville.
The Bruté Society was established to accomplish several related purposes:
- To acknowledge and give thanks to God for exemplary Catholic stewardship demonstrated by individual members of the parishes of the Diocese of Evansville.
- To promote an ever-deepening commitment to stewardship as the way of life for all Catholics in southwestern Indiana.
- To give public witness to the unity of all parishes of the Diocese of Evansville.
- To provide an annual inspirational celebration for the Catholic Church in southwestern Indiana.
As a special symbol of membership in The Bruté Society, each member receives a beautiful, distinctive medallion known as the “Simon Bruté Medal.”
The ribbon from which this medal hangs is placed around the neck of new members by the bishop as part of the induction ceremony.
The Simon Bruté medal was fashioned from the official diocesan stewardship logo. This logo depicts the three stewardship “Ts” (Treasure, Time and Talent) presented in a way that looks like three people arrayed in a triangle. At the center stands the powerful symbol of the cross representing the core of the Christian Faith. The words “The Bruté Society” ring the inner design to symbolize that The Bruté Society members are, first and foremost, good stewards.
- 2015 Gene & Betty Gilles, Darlene Steffe
- 2016 Bea Gallo, Mike Wathen
- 2017 Archie Sandefur, Vince & Kristi Wagner
- 2018 Larry & Nancy Reinhart, Don & Gina Tucker, Anna Tucker
- 2019 Postponed to 2020 to coincide with 75th Anniversary of the Diocese of Evansville
- 2020 Janie Allen, Mary Berendes, Brenda Meyer, Jim Tolen
- 2021 Gloria & Mike Niehaus, Bonnie Wink
- 2022 Wilma Spaulding, Leonard & Carolyn Adams
- 2023 Hans & Phyllis Bauer, Roger & Sherry Rogge