There is always a place for you at All Saints Parish.
Online Giving
In addition to your time and energy, All Saints Parish also depends on parishioners’ financial support. We’ve made it easy for you to consider online giving, and to determine an appropriate annual level of giving and to have your contribution automatically paid every week.
Select one of the options below to make a monetary gift to All Saints Parish Evansville or the Diocese of Evansville annual campaign.
Leave a Lasting Gift
All Saints Legacy Society
The Communion of All Saints Legacy Society is a group of individuals who have remembered All Saints Catholic Parish with a gift in life, not realized until their death.
To join, simply notify the parish office that you have named All Saints as a beneficiary in any part of your:
- Will
- Living Trust
- 401(k) or 403(b)
- Life Insurance Policy
- Individual Retirement Account
- Savings or Investment Account
Season of Giving Campaign
Stewardship 2024-2025
We are called to care for the many gifts God has given us. It is good to use those gifts to grow God’s kingdom in our diocese through our financial contributions to the Catholic Parishes Campaign. We are grateful to you for your past support of this vital work and we ask that you prayerfully consider continuing your support this year. Check out the Siena program that the Diocese offers, you might recognize some of the kids in this video.