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Charity & Justice Ministries
Justice Ministry 2023 Impact Report
Charity & Justice Ministry
“For I was hungry, and you gave Me something to eat; I was thirsty, and you gave Me something to drink; I was a stranger, and you invited Me in…”
Matthew 25:35
All Saints Parish has a long history of involvement in work of justice and charity. After the closing of the school the building was converted to a family shelter for homeless, now a separate entity called Ozanam; we housed the early Echo Clinic, now a multi-facility for housing and health; we hosted thee UCC day shelter and then provided a shelter for women.
We were a birthing force for many current community providers. We will carry on the legacy of those before us who responded to the Holy Spirit and put into action the Spirit’s guidance for the future.
Our pastor and other ministers in the area were instrumental in creating the covenant to address social issues in our community. This was the beginning of the organization called CAJE. This lead to the first action in 2003.
All Saints Parish offers a number of ways to serve those in our community who are disadvantaged or the victims of injustice. Below are short descriptions of our Charity & Justice programs.
The Social Justice Committee meets at 6:00pm on the 4th Tuesday of the month.
CAJE: Congregations Acting for Justice & Empowerment
CAJE Network members who want to work on finding proven solutions commit to working on a particular CAJE issue campaign. Each issue group sets up meetings to further study the problem, talk with key individuals and learn how other communities have addressed similar issues.
Research starts in December and continues through January and February. Each problem issue is directed by a steering committee and has a larger committee represented by all the congregations.
Starting in March, these groups are responsible for cutting the issues and developing the questions that will be presented to key individuals who have the power to implement these community changes.
What is a Listening Session
Team Leaders report to CAJE regarding the issues identified during the listening session and who has committed to be a part of the network. Next, The Community Problems Assembly is hosted where new congregations are acknowledged, the new CA board is presented, community officials update previous ACTION commitments, and the new campaigns are selected for the year.
Community Problems Assembly
Team Leaders report to CAJE regarding the issues identified and who has committed to be a part of till network. Learn the results of the concerns expressed at all the CAJE House Meetings and vote on the issues that CAJE will focus on this year. The Community Problems Assembly is where new congregations are acknowledged, the new CA board is presented, community official update previous ACTION commitments and the issi campaigns are selected for the year.
What is the Rally?
The Rally is where Network Team. Leaders and Network members learn the results of the research done by each issue campaign. We learn the importance of bringing out people power to the Action to impress key community decision makers to implement solutions. The energy of the Rally helps us organize for the Action.
Network members are encouraged to bring three people with them to the Action in May. Network Team members are still reaching out to individuals who have expressed interest or attended CAJE events. Please contact one of the CAJE Team members if you want to be involved.
Why have an Action?
The issues CAJE works on are important. It takes a considerable number of us to say this needs to change before community leaders say it is worth their time to do so This is the only opportunity, I’m aware of where 100’s of people sit in support of an “ask” for proven solution to be implemented, rather than just protesting that things aren’t right. Protests have a place, but research, thoughtful requests have resulted in changes and innovative programs in our communities.
Justice Ministry NEWS
Home Visits
At the heart of the mission of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul is the home visit. This is the encounter in which SVdP volunteers make a home visit to an individual/family in need. All Saints has a group of volunteers who carry out the tasks for Society of St. Vincent de Paul at our parish.
Would you like to get involved with Home Visits as a Volunteer?
Give SVdP a call at the same phone number. There are many avenues for involvement with St. Vincent de Paul, and becoming a part of the Home Visits is a very rewarding way to give back.
The SVdP website can also be a place where one can donate to support the efforts locally.
St. Vincent De Paul
And the king will answer them, “Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.”
Matthew 25:40
The Society of St. Vincent de Paul of Evansville was formed in 1982. This Catholic lay organization, inspired by Gospel values, affords members the opportunity to grow spiritually by offering services to those who are suffering or in need.
All Saints Parish St. Vincent de Paul Society meets each Wednesday at 5:30 p.m. We make weekly home visits to offer assistance to those in need.
To learn more about the mission of the St. Vincent de Paul Society of Evansville, please visit www.svdpevansville.org.
Do you need help?
Call the St. Vincent de Paul Coordinator’s Office at 812-425-3485.
The staff is trained to assist you and help coordinate a plan to get you the help you need.
Justice Pilgrimages
A pilgrimage can be a transformational inner journey, but we are also hoping to have a community impact as well. During our pilgrimages we will have opportunities to meet and develop relationships with others of faith who are interested in social justice.
Our goal is to gather a variety of people of all faiths from the Evansville area to travel together to deepen their knowledge of social justice issues.
Creation Care Ministry
Creation Care is an effort to promote environmental actions both in the community and in the parishioner homes.
It is not a field of flowers that defines that. It is our commitment to lessen the harmful impact we have on nature. It lies in choices of what we drive, what we eat, how we heat and cool our homes and buildings and whether we care enough to vote for more earth friendly elected leaders.
Just Faith
JustFaith… explores… engages… challenges… exposes… impacts… our lives and the lives of our neighbors.
Through small-group programs we help people deepen their faith, invite learning, and inspire action around contemporary social issues. JustFaith sessions help adults learn more about our call to charity and justice. Be prepared to put in the time to learn with texts & videos, to examine yourself and the issues being shared with each session. Participants leave our programs better prepared to do justice in their local communities and beyond.
Wednesday Morning Outreach Hours
Doors open at 9:00am for Clothes Closet, Close at Noon
Community Meal begins at 10:30am, close at Noon
GROWTH is open to help from 9:30am – 11:30am.
Community Produce Giveaway
In conjunction with Seton Harvest, we provide fresh summer garden vegetables to the neighborhoods surrounding All Saints and Mt. Olive Baptist churches.
Join us for some free vegetables and/or share the produce that you are growing in your garden.
Wednesday Morning Outreach
Feeding the Body and the Soul
…for I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me…
Matthew 25:35
Part of our life in Christ is to help ensure that people’s basic physical needs are met. Our Community Meal at All Saints Parish serves free lunch on Wednesdays from 10:30am – 12:00pm.
Volunteers are always needed. If you are interested in giving your time, please contact at the parish office.
Clothes Closet
All Saints Clothes Closet is open every Wednesday from 10:30am – 12:00pm.
We welcome volunteers to help sort items and prepare displays. If you are interested in giving your time, please contact the parish office.
Habitat for Humanity
Of Evansville
Building Houses, and Hope
Little children, let us love, not in word or speech, but in truth and action.
1 John 3:18
Through the generosity of its donors and volunteers, Habitat for Humanity has allowed families around the world to realize the dream of owning a home.
If you’ve considered joining a Habitat crew, why not make it the All Saints Parish Habitat crew? Prior building experience is not needed, and all levels of skill are welcome. Contact us if you are interested in getting involved.
Parish Health Ministry
Join us in encouraging healthy, active lifestyles, for body, mind and soul.
We organize walking challenges, devotional programs for lent, group fitness and dance fitness classes, cooking classes, garden produce giveaway days and much more.
If you have interest in participating or sharing your healthy skills and habits with the parish, contact us.