There is always a place for you at All Saints Parish.
GrowING in Faith
GrowING In Faith…
Here at All Saints Parish, we offer several opportunities for all parishioners, young and old, to grow in faith. Whether you would like to participate in a Scripture Study, JustFaith!, Family Faith, Becoming Catholic (OCIA), or one of our other many programs and offerings, we offer opportunities for everyone to grow in their faith and gather with other parishioners!
Faith Opportunities
Scripture Studies
Women’s Retreats
SPRED (Religious Education for Special Needs Adults)
Financial Peace University
Strengths Journey
Catholics Returning Home
Small Faith Sharing Groups
Seasonal Gatherings
All Saints Parish Mission ~ God the Holy Spirit is Calling
Saints to Live By
For many Catholics, Saints are viewed as being the heroes of the church. While they are not directly worshiped, Saints are held in such regard that Catholics will often pray to them in order to request their aid. With the exception of the archangels, Saints were ordinary people, who lived ordinary lives. During their lives, each and every saint was considered to be a positive role model. Their selfless and generous natures could be seen in their actions, and devotion to helping humanity.
Many Saints had a life mission that drove them towards helping others, while spreading the word of God. Through their actions and efforts, Saints were able to help humanity as a whole, in their own way. Their actions, made them legends of their own time, and today they inspire the way in which we live out our lives.
Stations of the Cross
Stations of the Cross, also called Way of the Cross, a series of 14 pictures or carvings portraying events in the Passion of Christ, from his condemnation by Pontius Pilate to his entombment.
Text of the Stations of the Cross used by permission from the Online Ministries at Creighton University.
Joy of the Gospel
Since his election, Pope Francis has been guiding and nudging our Church to rise up to meet the challenges of our era. The foundation of his vision can be found in his first encyclical, “The Joy of the Gospel”. Tom Bogenschutz has taught and lead several discussions on this document and recently produced this video that summarizes the Pope’s encyclical. It is 30 minutes in length and offers an overview of the Pope and his dream for the Church.
FAITH Programs
Scripture Studies
Bible Study Groups
We have several Bible Study Groups that meet throughout the year.
Wednesday Morning Bible Study – The Wednesday Morning Bible Study meets every Wednesday morning from 8:00 am to 9:30 am in the Fr. Neihaus Room in the CFL Building. This group looks at the upcoming Sunday readings and how these readings apply in our lives. There is no cost, no materials, no registration required.
New Testament Bible Studies – New Testament Bible Studies are held in the Fall and Spring on Monday evenings from 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm and take an in-depth look at a New Testament Gospel or New Testament Letter. Studies usually cost $10 and are from 6 to 14 weeks long with all materials provided.
Watch the bulletin for the next Scripture Study dates and times and registration information. Registrations are required.
For more information, contact the Parish Office at (812) 423-5209.
Catholics Returning Home
- Are you Catholic but have been away from the Church?
- Have you felt as if you are not welcome?
- Would you like to feel at home in the Catholic Church again?
- Have you left the Catholic Church because of a divorce or remarriage?
- Were you raised Catholic but do not come or seldom come to Church anymore?
- Do you only attend on Easter and Christmas and wish to connect more to your faith?
All Saints Parish would like to invite you to return Home to the Catholic Church. If you are a Catholic who has been away from a Church for a while, this invitation is for you! Our faith community misses you!
No matter how long you have been away or for whatever reason, we invite you to consider renewing your relationship with the Catholic Church. Please join us and other returning Catholics for an informal listening session and update of the Catholic faith. Sessions are facilitated by parishioners and will provide ample opportunity for answering your questions.
For more information, contact the Parish Office at (812) 423-5209.
Financial Peace University
This isn’t your typical “money class.”
Financial Peace University is practical, entertaining and fun!
- More than 1.5 million families and individuals have taken FPU.
- The average family completing the course pays off $5,300 and saves $2,700 in just 90 days. That’s an $8,000 change in position!
- Whether you’re struggling to make ends meet or you’re a millionaire, FPU has something for you.
- FPU is based on more than 800 verses of Scripture and is a proven plan that will work for you.
Financial Peace University is offered one to two times per year. Watch the bulletin for registration information.
The Strengths Journey
Do You Know Your Strengths?
God has packed us with many strengths and talents. Knowing your strengths is key to finding your purpose in life.
Join us on “The Strengths Journey” to find out how to use your strengths so you can begin to learn who you really are, why God put you here and how you can make a difference in this world.
When you register you will receive a book with a unique code to use to take the online StrengthsFinder® Assessment. When you take the assessment, you’ll learn your top five strengths.
In our five weekly sessions, we will focus on identifying your strengths & the strengths of others and using them to enhance your life.
For more information please contact the Parish Office at 812-423-5209.
Eucharist Renewal
The Diocese of Evansville has kicked off a Eucharistic Renewal in which our Parishes, Catholic Schools and Diocesan Offices will be participating! At the same time, all of the Catholic dioceses in the United States will be holding a Eucharistic Renewal (referred to as a “revival” on the national level). Eventually, the Renewal will culminate in a National Eucharistic Congress in Indianapolis from July 17–21, 2024.
Justice Pilgrimages
A pilgrimage can be a transformational inner journey, but we are also hoping to have a community impact as well. During our pilgrimages we will have opportunities to meet and develop relationships with others of faith who are interested in social justice.
Our goal is to gather a variety of people of all faiths from the Evansville area to travel together to deepen their knowledge of social justice issues.
Women’s Retreats
A Women’s Retreats are offered periodically, on a Saturday, usually during the Season of Lent. Women from the Parish gather for a day of fun, food, and fellowship as we prepare ourselves for Ash Wednesday and the season of Lent.
Watch the bulletin for the next Women’s Retreat registration information. Retreats are less than $30 per attendee with lunch and all materials provided. Registrations and fees are required in advance.
Justice Ministry
All Saints Parish has a long history of involvement in work of justice and charity.
All Saints Parish offers a number of ways to serve those in our community who are disadvantaged or the victims of injustice.
Our Season of Stewardship
On an annual basis, we will invite you to renew your personal commitment to how you serve and support your parish.
Every fall, we will share with you a Time & Talent Form as well as a treasure commitment form.
We ask that you prayerfully consider how I can I help?
“All Saints Parish is vibrant because of the commitment and participation of our members.“ ~Sharon Vogler