Sacraments at All Saints Evansville

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Eucharistic Renewal

Eucharistic Renewal Diocese

The Diocese of Evansville has kicked off a Eucharistic Renewal in which our Parishes, Catholic Schools and Diocesan Offices will be participating! At the same time, all of the Catholic dioceses in the United States will be holding a Eucharistic Renewal (referred to as a “revival” on the national level). Eventually, the Renewal will culminate in a National Eucharistic Congress in Indianapolis from July 17–21, 2024.

The Eucharistic Renewal in our diocese focuses on four goals:

  1. BelieveFoster belief in the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist. 
  2. Worship: Foster attendance at Mass, as well as valuing Mass in its entirety.
  3. Live: Encourage living in such a way so as to reflect the Eucharist in our daily lives.
  4. Share: Encourage sharing the truth, beauty and goodness of Mass with others so that they in turn may be drawn to it.

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For Kids

Take time to review the reflections that were shared by our parishioners and to reflect on the posts provided by the Diocese.

For Teens