Renewal time: Give us This Day

August 26, 2022

Time to renew your Give Us This Day subscription!

Give us this day screenshot

All Saints Parish offers a reduced rate subscription opportunity for the monthly periodical, Give Us This Day, and our current subscription ends with the December issue.  We have received an increased rate for this year.  The new annual rate will go from $31.50 to $33.25.     

If you would like to begin a new subscription or continue your current subscription, we ask you to please pay $25.  The parish will pay the $8.25 difference.  If you can pay the full $33.25, that would be appreciated. 

Subscription forms will be available on our parish website, app, and in the bulletin.  If you currently receive a subscription, we will include a renewal form with your next book. 

If you are interested in subscribing as an INDIVIDUAL and receiving your book DIGITALLY (their APP), Give Us This Day is available online at They advertise 12 issues for $19.99 for a digital version.   

Forms with payment can be placed in a separate envelope marked “Give Us This Day” and placed in the collection basket or returned to the Parish Office.   

Make checks payable to All Saints Parish
Deadline for all subscriptions is October 18.

Please return the form below WITH payment. 
Any questions, please contact the Parish Office at 812.423.5209.

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