2023 Parish Stewardship Commitment

September 20, 2023


Fall, a wonderful time of year! With Thanksgiving coming, I think many of us begin thinking about what we are grateful for in our lives. I hope you count All Saints Parish and your parish family among your blessings. I know I do.

All Saints Parish is vibrant because of the commitment and participation of our members.
This letter is coming to you as we move into our current stewardship season. We have made a deliberate choice to shorten the season this year by combining our parish giving and diocesan giving. The name for our diocesan giving has been changed from Catholic Parishes Campaign (CPC) to Catholic Ministries Appeal (CMA). The Diocese truly uses our financial support to serve us and others in many ways.

In the past couple of weeks, you have heard stories from members of the parish about what it means to them to be involved in ministries and to tithe. I am asking you to spend time in prayer this week. Consider your gifts, your abilities, your blessings and how you want to share these with your parish.

As you consider your financial support of the parish, I ask you to consider using the model of tithing 10% of your income. 5% of this total amount is given to the parish. 1% – 3% is given to the CMA and the other 2% – 4% is given to other charities of your choosing. I don’t know about you, but every year when I sit down and do the math, I really have to pray to the Holy Spirit. Like many of you, I live on a budget. So, I have to be realistic, and I have to step out in faith. It is easy to hear that God provides for all of my needs. It isn’t so easy for me to believe it and to share like I believe it.

At the top of the enclosed stewardship commitment form, you will find the space to complete the information for your parish financial giving. On the bottom of the front page, you will find the space to complete the information for your diocesan CMA financial giving. On the back page, you find the opportunity to choose the ministries you wish to be involved in at the parish this year. Please consider joining us in ministry! We ask you to complete all three sections. Place your completed form in the enclosed envelope. We encourage you to please bring it with you to Mass this coming weekend for a special collection and blessing.

In the Spirit of gratitude,

Sharon Vogler
Parish Life Coordinator