Disciples on a Journey
April 26, 2023
First Communion

We will celebrate First Communion with Jameson, Louis, Micah, William, Rylee and Elle this Sunday, April 30th at our 10:30 am Mass. They have been preparing all year specifically for this day. However, as we know, they really are preparing to continue their lifelong journey of faith.
For any of you who have taught, worked with children, babysat, or had the privilege to be around little people, you know how deeply their relationship with and understanding of God is. As adults at Family Faith Formation, we sit there every gathering with dropped jaws and wide eyes as we hear a little person share their deep understanding of God with us.
Personally, they share with me a God whom I have forgotten. It sometimes seems that I have grown up too much. They help bring me back to a loving God, a caring God, a knowing God. That is why lifelong learning and intergenerational learning is so important to me. It helps me grow in my faith as I hear the stories of God from people of differing ages and experiences.
Join me in celebrating with and congratulating our First Communicants on Sunday, April 30th and every day after!