Disciples on a Journey…Together
April 27, 2024

Many months ago, anyone who was interested was invited to join us for a new ministry here at All Saints Parish. At that time, we were calling the ministry, Hand Up. It is to be a justice ministry to help serve the needs of our neighbors who we see at the Community Meal/Soup Kitchen and Clothes Closet on Wednesday mornings.
In the past 2 months, a core group of volunteers has met to begin defining this ministry. It is now called GROWTH (Guidance, Resources, Outreach, Work, Togetherness, Hearing you to help.)

We have had Catholic Charities and Aurora share their missions with us. We are hoping to hear from one or two other organizations. They were also able to share with us ways in which we can help our neighbors access their services.
Our goal is to help our neighbors overcome whatever barrier they are currently facing. We can help them with basic tasks and refer them to the resources that are available in the community. Maybe they need to get an ID, complete paperwork, make a doctor’s appointment, check their housing portal, have someone read a letter to them, know where to go to find a job. GROWTH will be contacting local organizations to invite them to join us on Wednesday mornings to share their information with our neighbors. This is already being done by several agencies like Aurora, Southwest Behavioral Health, and the Health Department.
The development of GROWTH is progressing slowly, but progress is being made. Thank you to Janie, Emma Jean, Frank, Chris, Roger, Katie, Kristi and Brenda for your work as the core group and to Mark who is interested in working with GROWTH once we move out of the planning phase! Please keep GROWTH in your prayers as we continue to move forward.
~Sharon Vogler, Pastoral Life Coordinator