Disciples on a Journey…Together
May 6, 2023
Monday evening, May 1st, we joined with our community in celebrating the CAJE Nehemiah Action. On this 20th Anniversary of CAJE, we celebrated many accomplishments for justice and several people who were instrumental in beginning the work of CAJE! Thank you to everyone who has been part of CAJE during these past 20 years and welcome to those who joined us for the first time this year!
All Saints Parish continues to focus on our mission to be a parish of charity and justice. I think the charity part of this mission can be much easier for some of us. Charity often includes us giving food, clothing, money or other items to those in need. It can be much easier to clean out our closets and shop for canned goods than to work and stand for justice.
I remember how awed and amazed I was 15-20 years ago when I was first learning about the charity and justice work being done by then St. Anthony Parish. I thought, that’s where I want to be! After about 5 years at St. Anthony Parish, I began to see how difficult it was for me to work for justice. The introvert in me finds it very difficult and challenging to step up and be in front of people, especially strangers. I have found that I must take small steps in my justice efforts. Just as with everything in life, our personal strengths and gifts help us to find our way to participate in justice work. So, I would ask you to find your comfort zone. Start by participating there. Then like I am trying to do, work to take small steps out of your comfort zone.
Together, we all can do the work of justice that is so important for our neighbors, ourselves, and our community.