Energy for All
April 19, 2022
As reported, Tri-State CC has entered into the coalition, “Energy for All”, with 14 other environmental, social justice, and consumer advocacy groups to address high energy rates and to challenge the investment in natural gas that CenterPoint is planning. We are demanding action from them to address exorbitant rates, have better transparency in billing, and to abandon their plans to build two “peaker plants” with its accompanying pipeline. It is obvious, given recent global weather and geopolitical events, that any long-term investment in fossil fuels will tie us to a future subject to similar rate spikes.
Therefore, the Energy for All Coalition is promoting two events around Earth Day:
On Friday, April 22 at 5 pm, Sierra Club’s Beyond Coal with the Coalition will be hosting the CenterPoint Jurassic Park rally. We will be gathering at the corner of 4th & Main in downtown Evansville where CenterPoint energy has the naming rights to a city park planned for the site.
On Saturday, April 23 from 11 am – 1 pm, Direct Action Against CenterPoint Energy (DAACE) with the Coalition will be holding a Town Hall Meeting, an opportunity to voice our concerns. It will be held in at the Browning Rooms of the Downtown Evansville library.
Please join us. We must act now for our people and our Earth. In past gatherings of this sort, we’ve invited folks to wear the Tri-State CC “flower” to witness our concern for creation. Look for the folks with the Tri-State hats so you can proudly wear the flower.