Joyful Living Challenge – Day Two
April 5, 2024
Receive the Gift of New Life
“I believe; help my unbelief.”
Mark 9:24
Welcome to The Joyful Living Challenge!
Through our Baptism, we are reborn as God’s sons and daughters and joyfully anticipate our own resurrection. Though this is what we’ve been told, it can be difficult to accept this beautiful gift.
Dear Lord…I believe that You have given me new life through my Baptism. Help my unbelief.
I believe that You have torn the debt of my sin into pieces. Help my unbelief.
I believe that I no longer have to carry these burdens with me. Help my unbelief.
Thank You, Lord, for taking every sin I have ever committed and ever will commit to the cross with You.
Thank You that You would have done it if I were the only one in the world.
Help me to believe that You love me that much.
Lord, I ask for the strength to embrace the new life that You give to me through Baptism.
I ask You to give me the joy of knowing that in You, I am free.
Thank you, Jesus, for loving me that much.
Help me to love You more and more in return.
Today’s Challenge:
Take a moment during your day to physically touch or hold a cross or crucifix.
As you do so, reflect on your Baptism and the new life it promises.
1 Mallory Smyth, Rooted and Radiant: A Study of Colossians, (USA: Walking with Purpose, Inc., 2022) 73.