Parish Council Meetings
June 6, 2022
Parish Pastoral Council Meeting Notes for 5/3/2022
Prayer led by Bartell Berg; March Minutes approved as written
Welcomed new Justice Minister, Brenda Meyer!
Objectives: Increasing activities & increasing number of people active in justice ministries
Commission Reports were received and reviewed.
Discernment of New Members: 7 nominations have been submitted. Need 3 new members.
Leadership: Parish Life Coordinator – currently on hold
Justice: Justice Minister – has been hired! (Brenda Meyer)
Youth: Need more participation
Facilities: AC working well
Welborn Grant: No update
Marketing Committee Report: Discussed how to bolster endowments.
CPC Progress/Finances:
Goal $151,346
Total Pledged $111,605
Total Paid $114,144
Other Matters:
Discussed how to get more attendance for Wednesday prayer services during Lent.
90 of 360 Time and Talent sheets returned.
Group Prayer for Ukraine—maybe printed on prayer cards; Catholic Charities are discussing adopt a family for Ukraine; information has not been sent to Father Jay yet.
Pastor’s Comments:
Reminder that the CAJE Action is Monday, May 9
Next Month’s Meeting: Tuesday, June 7, 2022, at 6:00 p.m.
This meeting is scheduled to be hybrid.
Closing Prayer
Meeting Ended at 7:33 p.m.