Parish Sweepstakes
September 2, 2023

All Saints Parish is offering the Sweepstakes and we know the tickets will go fast, so purchase yours today!
We will give away 30 prizes totaling $10,000 on November 5th. This year we will have the drawing in person. Soup and sandwiches will be served starting at Noon.
Watch the Bulletin, APP, Website, and Facebook or call the Parish Office at 812.423.5209 to pick up your ticket today!
Sweepstake tickets are $100.00 each and only 200 tickets will be sold. You can download the ticket form below or call the Parish Office (812) 423-5209 for information. You will be able to view the drawing through our website, Facebook, and links on the App.
All 30 winners will be determined at the drawing on Sunday, November 5, 2023.
1ST Prize $2,500.00 4TH – 12TH Prize $300.00
2ND Prize $400.00 13TH – 21ST Prize $250.00
3RD Prize $350.00 22ND – 30TH Prize $200.00
Thank you for your support and GOOD LUCK!
All Saints Parish Sweepstakes– License# 014366 IGC Ref #159141