St. Louis Pilgrimage

August 2, 2022

Pilgramage Banner 1

All Saints Catholic Parish
Mt. Olive Galilee Baptist Church
invite you to join us in St. Louis
September 11, 2022

A pilgrimage can be a transformational inner journey, but we are also hoping to have a community impact as well. During our pilgrimage we will have opportunities to meet and develop relationships with others of faith who are interested in social justice.
Our goal is to gather a variety of people of all faiths from the Evansville area to travel together to deepen their knowledge of social justice issues.
Our hope is that we can return from St. Louis with deeper connections so that we can work together more effectively on common issues.

Email Brenda to register today at

Must be eighteen or over to participate in this pilgrimage. Space is limited to the first fifty-six people who sign up. Sponsorship available to reduce cost.
Deadline for registration: August 28, 2022
Checks payable to:
All Saints Catholic Parish
704 N. 1st Avenue
Evansville, Indiana 47710

St. Alphonsus Liguori Catholic Church
Old Courthouse at Gateway Arch National Park
Podcast about the St. Louis Memorial to honor enslaved people