Sunday Gospel Warm-up

August 22, 2024

Divine Love

Led by the Spirit

John 6:60-69

The gospel of John often expresses Jesus’ message in very mysterious words. One of those words is flesh. Last week the message was His “flesh is the life the world”. This week, a few sentences later, Jesus says flesh is of no avail, only the spirit gives life. Cryptic words like these are trying to convey the mysterious inner battle we all must fight as disciples of Jesus. It’s so easy to cave in to the temptations and desires that the world offers. As He says elsewhere, “the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak”. In our earthly life, we lose sight of the guidance of the Holy Spirit and often choose paths that are literally a dead end. What Jesus is saying is fix your sight on His flesh, His way, the way of the cross and living in divine love. It is being in spiritual relationship with Him that offers the only true life giving path.