Sunday Gospel Warm-Up

October 3, 2024

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From Dust We Came

Mark 10:2-16

Marriage and children are the focus of this week’s Gospel. That pretty much sums up life for most of us. What ties both together is the soulful value of humility that we must embrace. In the first reading, we are given the story of Genesis of Adam being created from the dust or “humus” and Eve from his rib. From that word we get humility. So it is a reminder that we are all made of the same stuff. That we are creatures created like all things from the soil of the earth. We are all on the same plane and there is no God ordained hierarchy that says men are first, then women, and then children. We all have different roles, but all have a dignity in the eyes of God and there is no room for saying I’m better and more deserving.