Sunday Gospel Warm-up
February 9, 2023
Feb. 12 Mat 5:17-37
This weekend we hear Jesus re-interpreting what would have been key laws of his time on murder, adultery, and the taking of oaths. His teaching builds upon the beatitudes and describes what we now can call beatitudinal living. It says that mere obedience of the law is not what it is about.
Authentic faith and the practice of religion is about becoming the best human being possible. It means becoming a totally loving and thus holy person, a person who is guided by love or, even better, the Spirit of God that resides in their heart. Such a person has only kindness in his heart and not anger that would propel them to do harm to another. Such a person has no need to take an oath because she always speaks the truth. Such a person holds their marital commitment as a very sacred thing.
The lives of such people are powered by Grace and are a visible manifestation of the beatitudes.