Sunday Gospel Warm-Up

September 14, 2023

A130OT24 MedArt 20i5 EN 4c

Mercy and Forgiveness

Sept. 17 Mt 18:21-35

A130OT24 MedArt 20i5 EN 4c

We heard in the gospel of a previous week that whatever we bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever is loose on earth will be loosed in heaven. Essentially, Jesus says we carry the power of the universe and what is that power? It simply is to forgive.

The divisions that come from sin and its accompanying pain will persist even into the next life. Only forgiveness can heal and bring us together. Vengeance, however, only deepens those wounds. We all have sinned in some manner and are in need of forgiveness and mercy.

Jesus offers us the wisdom that those who are honest with themselves and know they stand in need of God’s mercy and can compassionately offer it to others, mercy will be given to them. Those who carry vengeance in their hearts create their own kind of hell.