Sunday Gospel Warm-Up
June 27, 2024

More Storms of Life
Mark 5:21-43 More Storms of Life
The theme this Sunday is healing found in our Gospel as well as within our Sunday liturgy with the offering of the Sacrament of Healing or anointing. Similar to last week, Jesus takes on the big storms of our lives – the storm of illness in the story of the hemorrhaging woman and the storm of death in our hearing of Jesus’ reviving of a dead little girl. These are storms that we all can relate to as human beings and ones that we cannot avoid. Can we expect the same outcomes that flow out of these stories, no. What we can trust is that in these devastating times God is with us. Like last week’s story, we must take to heart Jesus’ encouraging words “do not fear, just have faith”. Even in the midst of sickness and death, grace will abound.