Your Nominations for our Parish Council
April 11, 2023

We need your prayers and help!
All Saints Parish uses the process of Discernment for the selection of Parish Council members. This process relies on the guidance of the Holy Spirit, is open to the broadest possible input from our parish and provides an opportunity for prayer and reflection each step of the way.
We are asking the whole parish to participate in this process. Please sit in quiet prayer, read through the list of names, and see who you believe God is calling to the Parish Council.
We have four openings on the Parish Council. Think of the gift(s) this person would bring to the Council. Some of the strengths that would help round out the Parish Council include someone who can…look to the future, help develop plans of action, analyze details, continue to learn, understand actions/needs in context, make things move, communicate well, work toward harmony.
Please consider talking to those you nominate and see if they are interested in considering serving on the Parish Council. These names and gifts will be given to the present Parish Council for further discernment.
Nominees must be…
- at least 18 years of age
- have been a member of All Saints Parish for at least two years
- active members (regularly come to Church for Mass & share their time, talent & treasure with All Saints Parish)
- Catholic
- able to attend meetings.
Nominations will be taken until noon on Thursday, April 27th.