Disciples on a Journey

May 19, 2024

Come Holy Spirit…

I have said this prayer many times during my lifetime. I seem spend more time talking with God the Holy Spirit than God the Father or God the Son, Jesus. Last year, this prayer was part of my retreat. I have always wondered and never looked up the meaning of “consolations.” In the prayer above it says, “enjoy His consolations.” I grew up praying, “rejoice in His consolations.” I could never understand why I was supposed to rejoice/enjoy God consoling me. I know God loves me, but I don’t want God consoling me, telling me everything will be fine. It sounds patronizing or pacifying to me. Well, as I recall from retreat, God’s consolation involves peace, hope, love, joy. It brings us, our souls, into that incredible presence of God.

May we all rejoice and enjoy the consolations of the Holy Spirit in our lives!

Sharon Vogler, Pastoral Life Coordinator