Faith & Justice Worker – Update from Emma
June 19, 2024

Wow, the semester has flown by!
This past week was finals week here at GV so the school year has just wrapped up! In my newsletter for this month, I’ve included all the usual updates but also shared my plans for next year (hint: I’m staying on staff with FOCUS)! I hope you’ll enjoy reading through it for more details of the end of the semester and what next year holds for me.
As I will be staying on staff, I will still be fundraising for this upcoming year and would love to touch base with you about your support. I am so grateful for you and your generosity towards me and the mission of FOCUS and would be honored to count on your continued support. While I would love to meet up with you individually, this upcoming summer will be a bit more busy than the past two for me. For most of June I’ll be at training in Nebraska, then I’ll have a bit of time at home, and then I’ll be leaving for a 3 week long mission trip during July! If the timing works out while I’m home in Evansville, I may be organizing a group mission partner event that you and all my mission partners would be invited to so I can see you in person (be on the look-out for more info on that!). Outside of that, however, many of our touch-points this summer will probably have to be virtual/over the phone. Regardless, I look forward to connecting with you soon!
As always, I’d love to hear from you as well! If you ever have any prayer intentions, questions/concerns about your financial giving, or would simply like to chat or catch up, please reach out to me whenever! God bless!(: