GROWTH Ministry News

June 19, 2024


GROWTH Ministry came out of a lot of discussions last summer and fall as we were looking at the Community Meal/Soup Kitchen and Clothes Closet operations. Our current outreach is every Wednesday from 9:30 to noon. One area we wanted to offer went beyond direct charity and moved into assistance that moved a person toward a more stable life. It was thought that if we can help someone get something in place, it would let them get more accomplished. So, if we could help them get a birth certificate, they might be able to get their ID, then apply for housing or a job.

GROWTH – Guidance, Resources, Outreach, Working, Together to Help you! is underway with connecting our neighbors to resources they need to help them break through barriers. We continue to meet with agencies to understand what they have to offer and how we can get them connected to our neighbors. Recently we met with HR Connect to learn more about opportunities for job placement to help neighbors find jobs and earn income to move toward their goals.

We have volunteers who spend their time meeting and greeting our neighbors during the Community Meal. They spend time getting to know them and things that make their life hard. They give hope that their challenges are solvable, and it is worth trying one more time to get something done. We meet in the Fr. Neihaus Room on Wednesday morning to have a more private place to sit down with people and talk. Staff from Aurora, Southwestern Behavioral Healthcare, HR Connect and Will Krowl are available to discuss housing the homeless, mental health needs, temporary job possibilities and expungement.

Since April 17th, we have had 103 neighbors express interest in participating in GROWTH. 50 people have met with Aurora Staff, 40 have talked for an extended period with GROWTH volunteers, 7 met with William Krowl regarding expungement, 9 sought job opportunities with HR Connect and several sought mental health services. We have heard about 6 success stories of neighbors getting birth certificates, ID, jobs, or finally after weeks of trying through the Evansville Housing Authority portal to be able to apply for the RAD housing waitlist.

A neighbor shared with us this week she has been able to get through some of her barriers and could not have done it without the help of the GROWTH program. Please keep GROWTH Ministry in your prayers as we continue to move forward and help people. If you would like more information, or would like to volunteer, please call the office or email Or, just come!

Growth Committee
Growth Committee May 2024