August 6, 2022
August 7, 2022 ~ 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time

St. Thomas Aquinas reminds us that, “Three things are necessary for the salvation of man: to know what he ought to believe, to know what he ought to desire, and to know what he ought to do.” Everyone is called to work toward their salvation, which is ultimately union with God. Those who take this call seriously must embark upon a journey inward to the deepest recesses of their soul. In the adventure and wonder of that journey, we work out the details of our union with our Beloved. We cling to what we need to believe, remain firm in what we truly desire, and are guided by what we know we have to do. Once we know that our goal is to be one with our Creator, life becomes an exciting expedition to pursue that end. We make necessary preparations, follow the map, and remain on course.
Whenever we really want something, we put our entire selves into achieving it. Being fully invested in our labor, we willingly work extra hours, devote an abundance of energy and effort, and remain vigilant for beneficial opportunities that may come our way. We certainly do not passively sit by doing nothing! Such an attitude leads to laziness and the accomplishment of little. Worse yet, some look to others to do the work for them, hoping to reap the benefits of another’s efforts. Conscientiousness and diligence are the only means to success.
For the one who eagerly awaits the day when they can be fully with God, life becomes a joyous adventure indeed! Alert, ready, focused, convicted, and willing to be a servant they constantly watch and prepare themselves for meeting the Lord. Loving the journey and being in love with their Creator, their lives become joyful witnesses of love and service. They are secure in their hope, confident in their faith, and perfect in their love. Never looking for recognition or gratitude, they stand as gentle inspirations of what the Holy Spirit can do in the hearts of those who believe. Because we do not know what tomorrow will bring, we stand ready to be used as God wills and run eagerly toward Him when He comes. How much do we desire to experience the joy of salvation? ©LPi
7 de agosto de 2022 ~ 19º Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
La Palabra de Dios sigue dándonos las pistas seguras para saber repartir los bienes que tenemos, y nos invita a poner nuestro corazón en diferente dirección. La clave es estar preparados para no ser sorprendidos sin haber completado la labor encomendada por Dios. “Tengan puesta la ropa de trabajo y sus lámparas encendidas. Sean como personas que esperan que su patrón regrese de la boda para abrirle apenas llegue y golpee a la puerta” (Lucas 12,35-36).
El Evangelio nos habla de cómo ser unos administradores que cuidan los bienes de su Señor. No podemos ser sordos del cuidado de unos para con otros, del compromiso de velar por nuestra casa común: “el mundo”. Todos tenemos algo o alguien bajo nuestro cuidado, la familia, el jardín, la calle, la escuela, etcétera. Por ejemplo, ¿cómo te cuidaste y cuidaste de otros durante la pandemia? ¿Qué aprendiste de todo esto que vivimos a nivel mundial? El Señor nos pide estar siempre en vela, cuidadosos para estar bien despiertos, cuando llegue a pedir cuentas. Y ese día llegará: “Al que mucho se le dio, mucho se le exigirá; al que mucho se le confió, más se le exigirá” (Lucas 12,48). ¡Ánimo, todo se puede con fe! No es cuestión de susto. Es cosa de entrega y solidez con cimientos fundados en nuestra experiencia y deseo de Dios. “Este es un aspecto fundamental de la vida. Existe un deseo que todos nosotros, sea explicito u oculto, tenemos en el corazón. Todos nosotros tenemos este deseo en el corazón. El corazón que desea”. Papa Francisco. ©LPi