June 25, 2022

June 26, 2022 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time

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And to another he said, “Follow me.” In every moment of every day, in every circumstance and experience, God is calling us. We can easily get distracted and not hear it or simply ignore it, pretending it wasn’t even heard. When we do hear it and favorably respond, there are some conditions that must be met. Jesus makes it clear that once we say yes to his invitation, we must stay focused and forge ahead. We cannot keep looking behind or worry about unfinished business. There are some tasks, and discipleship is one, that require our full devotion.

There are many “masters” vying for our attention. We need something or someone to give us direction. Human nature requires it. Our motives and actions reveal what has our allegiance. It is tempting to give ourselves to masters that lure us with intriguing promises. When given the choice between a “master” that promises worldly success, abundant wealth, status, privilege, and security versus a “master” that asks for self-sacrifice, hardship, suffering, ridicule, and death, to whom do we go? While the promise of immediate pleasure is enticing, there is always a catch. For all that secular masters can promise, they always keep us looking behind, checking on ourselves, second guessing choices, calculating options, and being slaves to excessive worry. Our guard can never come down. Only one master really promises life: Jesus Christ. Hearing his call, we either trust him or we don’t.

Saying yes to following Christ does come with a risk. But it also comes with the brightness of future hopes and dreams. There is no need to keep looking behind. Sins are forgiven and regrets serve no effective purpose. God is not there. He’s moved beyond all that stuff. God is in the today and the tomorrow and what he can continually do with our daily affirmation to follow Him. All we need to do is be obedient. St. Gianna Molla is credited with saying, “The stillness of prayer is the most essential condition for fruitful action. Before all else, the disciple kneels down.” Begin with prayer. We will not only hear God’s call but find the courage to trust that He will guide us where we need to be. God uses us in the most ordinary of ways through the simple daily expression of our lives. ©LPi


26 de junio de 2022 13º Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario

La Pascua se ha ido, las solemnidades especiales también, nuevamente iniciamos el Tiempo Ordinario. Tiempo de reflexión en las enseñanzas de Jesús para su seguimiento al discipulado. “Hemos sido llamados por Dios y llamados a permanecer con Jesús, unidos a él. Es precisamente la ‘vida en Cristo’ lo que garantiza la fidelidad de nuestro servicio. Contemplarlo, adorarlo y abrazarlo en nuestro encuentro con Cristo en la Eucaristía, en nuestra vida de oración, en nuestros momentos de adoración, y también reconocerlo presente y abrazarlo en las personas más necesitadas (Papa Francisco).

“Los zorros tienen cuevas y las aves tienen nidos, pero el Hijo del Hombre ni siquiera tiene donde recostar la cabeza” (Lucas 9:58). Seguir a Jesús, implica caminar con él sin cosas que nos impidan ver su camino. Emprender el viaje con Jesús en este Tiempo ordinario, será todo un reto. El Señor nos llama a cada uno a seguirlo de acuerdo a la vocación que hemos elegido. Una firme determinación es esencial. Se espera, que, no seamos cristianos del pero no estoy listo, pero cuánto tiempo debo servir, pero tengo muchas limitaciones. Ojalá, que el Señor nos ayude a ser valientes y decididos con esa libertad alegre de la que nos habla Pablo, en su Carta a los Gálatas. Servirnos unos a otros con amor. Para vivir dignamente el cristianismo, no bastan las ideas. Hay que llevar a cabo los hechos, que aunque pequeños, si salen del corazón, son la expresión de fe y seguimiento a Jesús.  ¿Listos para la aventura de seguir a Jesús en este Tiempo Ordinario? ¿Está mi determinación firme a pesar de mis dudas? ©LPi