Joyful Living Challenge – Day Seven

April 10, 2024

Day seven - Joyful Challenge

“My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord; my spirit rejoices in God my savior.”

Luke 1:46

Welcome to The Joyful Living Challenge!

Jesus accomplished this on the cross.

Every sin committed, past, present, and future, was placed on Him.

Now all the merits of Jesus can be yours.

He wants to fill your empty hand with His virtues…

When you come before God in prayer and acknowledge these truths, He looks at your heart.

He sees your desire to trust Him, to please Him, to obey Him. He says to you, “My precious child, you don’t have to pay for your sins. My Son, Jesus, has already done that for you…

If you will stay close to Me, and journey by My side, you will begin to experience a transformation that brings joy and freedom.

I’ve been waiting to pour My gifts into your soul.

Beloved child of Mine, remain confident in Me.

I am your loving Father.

Crawl into My lap.

Trust Me.

Love Me.

I will take care of everything.”1

Today’s Challenge:

 Memorize a verse from the Magnificat that speaks to your own dignity and worth.
Repeat it throughout the day for encouragement.

1 Lisa Brenninkmeyer, Rest: 31 Days of Peace, (USA: Walking with Purpose, Inc., 2020) 130–131.