Tri-State Creation Care News
August 25, 2022
Tri-State CC would like to share with you several exciting activities and developments in store for late Summer and early Fall. (detailed info is on our website:
On Saturday, Sept. 10, we will have our first TSCC picnic at Seton Harvest (9400 New Harmony Rd). This will be in conjunction with a volunteer morning to plant indigenous flowers and plants. The volunteer work is optional. The picnic lunch begins at 11:30 am.
Tri-State CC will provide good food from the grill. Just bring a lawn chair and maybe a dish to share and we’ll get to know each other better.
If you would like to help with the plantings, you can volunteer through the Seton Harvest website
Also in partnership with Seton Harvest, TSCC is co-hosting poet Matthew Graham for an evening of nature poetry on Saturday, Sept 24., 6:30 pm at Seton Harvest. Wine, cheese, and other refreshments will be offered. Register at the Seton Harvest website. Attendance will be limited so don’t delay.
Finally, Tri-State CC will be hosting Evansville’s first ever electric vehicle cruise-in. “EV’s for EVV” is on Sunday, Oct. 2 from 4-7:00 pm at N. Green River Road. Come and check out the latest in electric cars and bikes.
Tri-State CC is proud to announce that we now have a new website, on which all these activities are posted.
Share it with your friends.