St. Joseph Centennial Celebration

August 13, 2024

St. Joseph Centennial Celebration of Dedication

On behalf of the parish team, Fr. Steve, Fr. Jim Sauer and Fr. Jim Koressel, welcome to the centennial celebration of the dedication of St. Joseph Church.   

In the first reading, we hear how tired and bewildered Elijah became with his work. 

I would imagine that those who served St. Joseph parish had occasional times of despair or bewilderment, also.  I believe it is human nature. 

Through God we are nourished and given strength to continue.  We are fed through the grace and love of God.  We believe in and gather to share in the living bread that comes down from heaven. It is through being nourished by and then going out and sharing this Christ that we are able to build and strengthen the Body of Christ. 

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Thank you to the Sisters of St. Benedict who taught and served the parish.  The priests who served the parish.  Thank you for being part of the legacy of St. Joseph parish.  

It was through the Spirit that you built and shared Christ present to the parish community of St. Joseph and the Evansville community. 

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Thank you to the many families who came together to be nourished in the sacramental life of the parish.  You truly were and are the  Body of Christ to the community.  You shared your time and talent and treasure to continue the work of your ancestors and all those who came before you.   You shared in their love and dedication and faith. Thank you! 

It is this faith and love that we celebrate today.  It is through your work and faith and dedication, that the legacy of St. Joseph Parish lives on through All Saints Parish today and into the future.      ~ Sharon Vogler, Pastoral Life Coordinator